Monday, August 11, 2014

Day 1, week 1

First workout officially done with legs and cardio. I've always thought myself to be in a good shape but after I did the 28 min long circuit exercise I must say that I'm really not fit at all. I seriously had to stop after 14 minutes to catch my breath in order not to throw up. Maybe this was a rough start just because I'm still a bit "hangover" from having a cold, but I never thought it was going to be so though.

Anyway, I'll probably be very sore tomorrow but in a good way. This is just the start and it's not going to be easy!

The before pictures!

The before pictures of the starting day (11th of August). I took these pictures before eating breakfast and I'm not comfortable with them. I have always been skinny but today I consider myself "skinny fat" because of the amount of junk food I eat on regular basis. So I'm doing Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide challenge in order to get a healthy body inside and out.

Weigh in: Don't have a scale.
Height: 176 cm

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Bikini Body Guide

Some of you might not have heard of Kayla Itsines and her Bikini Body Guide and Nutrition Guide, so I will try to sort some things out for you. One night I was looking at some fitness motivation pictures on Instagram and I came over a girl from Australia with the most amazing body and workout motivation peeps. I was stunned and a bit overwhelmed - can anyone actually be able to get a body just like hers or is this just a joke to make the rest of us feel very bad? Oh no, so wrong of me to think that. Kayla stated in her BBG that: "I want to help as many women as possible achieve their ideal body, their confidence and their happiness". She has created the Bikini Body Guide in order to give girls around the world the opportunity to get their dream body and with the social media platform it's not hard to keep yourself motivated. So I've spent some money to buy her guide - both the nutrition guide and bbg in order to get the most out of it. You might think of it as expensive, but you are investing in yourself! Plus, if you would hire a personal trainer doing this for you it would probably cost you a fortune.

I'm starting the bikini body challenge tomorrow, 11th of August, and for the first 4 weeks I will be doing:
- 3 sessions resistance training (27 min each)
- 3 sesssons of LISS (30-45 min running low speed)
- 1 session of stretching

.. and weeks 5-8 and 9-12 will look a bit different but I will bring that up later on. 

I will also kick it off with a nutrition plan in order for me to stay energized and healthy. I will post in this blog what I eat during the day so you can follow the food journey as well!

Picture of me running in Barcelona last summer!

New blog, new start!

So a small introduction before I start telling you about my "healthy journey" and how the bikini body guide is treating me. Anyhow, I'm Anna, 23 year old medicine student from Sweden, and I've spent most of my life working out - mostly cross country and running. I have struggled with some eating disorders when I was younger and I still sometimes find food hard to enjoy. Today I'm normal weight (very close to underweight, but at least I don't look like a skeleton) and I'm motivated to do something for myself and to get a strong and healthy body at the same time. Not starving. Not over-doing anything. I want to live a healthy life - and The Bikini Body Guide with Kayla's nutrition plan will hopefully kick my but if I stick to it and keep myself motivated. 

This is where the blog comes in! I will post everything concerning my 12 week transformation with Kayla Itsines Bikini Body Guide. It will not be pretty, you will get the whole truth with pictures of me all sweating - but that's how I want it to be. I need this diary during my healthy journey, and I hope you'll follow me. 
